Thursday, February 06, 2014


There are times when I blink, half-expecting things to change within that fraction of a second.

Moments when the veil of illusion cast upon this world is lifted and I sway, heady.

My heart would grow heavy, not with sadness but with longing.

Something is trembling inside, albeit not of fear.

I do not know how to describe it.

Times of remembrance.

I breath a sigh.



It is a scary feeling when I catch myself forgetting.

When I am caught in some moment, too much in some place.

My heart would grow weak in my chest, almost lost.

Syukur Alhamdulillah for all that He has given.

There is nothing I seek but to always be in remembrance.

Alas, that is a goal I am still and always will be aspiring to.


We know ourselves better than we let others, definitely.

Our shortcomings, our failures, the wrecks tucked away in time.

Our pride, our ego, our desires and our hopes, rolling thunder.

Enough is enough, till when will I live so carelessly? Ungrateful.

Ever on will I crawl, walk and run toward the Light, no matter.

For the time He has given, I will make do with what I have.

This Heart needs cleansing, only then will it be worthy.



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