Friday, August 21, 2015


The rightly guided are like gems, they are hard to find, 
and hardly many have them in possession or knowledge.

I am grateful for all the experiences and opportunities that have taught me the many things I cherish within my heart and mind. I am grateful for the sight and vision granted to me that allows me to see the many facets of the experiences I have gone through, and to glean as lessons from them. I am grateful for the friends and family I have, that have supported me knowingly and unknowingly, through their words of encouragement, words of chastisement and words of advice. I am grateful for the strength and patience granted to me that allows me to withstand the unrelenting tides of temptation, winds of weakness and the storms of sorrow, so that I may rise each time, growing.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Ageing and the cup of bullshit.

So here I am, taking a module titled Human Ageing.

Ageing is a natural thing, it is as inherent as the death that we will meet. Yet, some people, especially politicians and scientists seem to perceive to be a disease of some sort. Yet, ironically they don't seem to understand that the ageing itself is not the problem. The problem lies in the state of the human mind and body upon ageing. 

"A car, no matter how well manufactured, if driven hard, and without care, will deteriorate into a lump of metal much quicker than a car that is well taken cared for and is maintained regularly."

In my opinion, the concern should not be the reality of ageing, but on living itself. It has been proven that our current lifestyles, saturated with fats, sugar and chemicals, our time squeezed with a lack of sleep and intense stressful schedules, is detrimental to our current and future well-being. It leads to poor physical, mental and emotional health. It leads to the early or aggravated onset of diseases such Alzheimer's and cancer, It leads to the impairment of our ability to not only enjoy life, but also be a functional unit of society.

Its a strange event, really. The whole scientific community knows for a fact that our diets and lifestyles are bad for us, yet, their concern is how to cure it. Its as if they have forgotten the phrase, "Prevention is better than cure." Its as if we have to somehow just live with the fact that we will get such and such diseases and hence the zealous desire to pursue research in their cures. Is it because the food industry has such a strong sway and say on our lifestyles that any form of scientific rebellion against it will be silenced by their lobbyist? Or, that the purpose of research is to make cures that can be sold for revenue and profits to the pharmaceutical companies that will eventually manufacture them? Tin-foil hat was on, I'm sorry.

My point is simply, man Science is really slow on this.