Friday, March 01, 2013

Being angry is a choice that an individual makes.

Choice follows logic/thoughts.

But I disagree? Personally, I believe being angry is a habit, a trait of character.

Why? Because people know that they shouldn't get angry, that getting angry is pointless, that it leads to non-positive things and that essentially, its just not cool.

So why then do people still get angry?

I wrote down,
'Behaviour is something that is nurtured and is a result of mimicking/ learning of the outcome of our environment with relation to action.'

Being angry is a result of uncontrolled emotions and lack of patience. Our mind is a beautiful thing, it factors in the consequence of us being angry, be it in our environment; namely people, internally in our mind; our thoughts, and also interestingly, physiologically, how our body feels/react to the outburst of anger. When we get angry and it results in change that favours us, our mind connects the dots and assumes that being angry is a solution to our frustration. When we get angry, our body experiences a rush of hormones and what not and it gives us a satisfying feeling, our brain connects the dots and assumes that being angry is enjoyable.

But in truth, being angry, or rather specifically, a destructive form of anger, is something that is detrimental to our well-being. I say well-being and not health because well-being encompasses everything, from our physical self, to our mental self and our character and our relationships with others. When we get angry, we lose patience, we do not take the time to think of our actions or words, we lash out, and inevitably, it will result in an irreversible consequence. For most cases, it will result in hurt, or more anger, and thus more hurt and such. See the cycle now? Being angry causes a negative impact on our health, our heart races, our breathing quickens and our blood pressure increases. Our heart feels the strain. When we get angry, we think negative things, things which are hurtful to others if said, things we don't really mean.

We get it. Being angry is bad for us.

As Rasulullah  SAW had said, "Do not be angry and furious". Alas, He is the best of us.

I will try my best not to be as angry as before. The point of learning, is change...

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