Friday, March 22, 2013

Meditate on Yourself

When most people awake from their sleep, their dreams are usually mere fragments, and it is unclear at best.
When I awake from my sleep, my dreams are as clear as my hand and it is clear enough for me to replay it.

I question things, and for the questions that I pose, there are always sources that can provide an answer.

How then do I find the answer to the questions arising from my dreams?

Its a strange feeling when I realize that I am dreaming, it feels so real. Just goes to show how powerful our sleeping mind is. I have read in a book, that the sleeping mind is the dormant bank of knowledge and power that all humans possess but is usually unable to tap when they are conscious.

Does it mean that when we are asleep, and our mind is not distracted by the little things that is our conscious life, it is able to access that part of our mind? Studies have often shown that our mind is more active when we are asleep due to the lack of distractions, providing for an optimal environment to solve deep-seated issues and process. 

Maybe so. And if so, I am quite certain it is a matter of practice and consistent effort before we can access that part of our mind consciously. 


We must get rid of the distractions that pepper our mind incessantly, always asking for more attention than needed or necessary. Lets take this step by step shall we. Baby steps to a grand goal, a better Self.

If God wills it.

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