Saturday, December 13, 2008

Initially I already had in mind what I wanted to blog about, well the draft that is, but now, I have forgotten most of it, so im gonna try to remember it all, hmm

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It started off as a murmur, everyone reciting different things at different times,
then, slowly, the pace started picking up, and soon, you can hear that everyone is synchronized. It keeps getting louder and faster, voices of men bouncing off the walls of the narrow house. Suddenly you feel as if youre not anywhere you think you are, as if the atmosphere had changed within a few seconds. Really a strange feeling if you ask me, and if you consider the voices of many men chanting praises simultaneously with such fanatism, you'd have a chill running down your spine everytime you think about it. Then as sudden as it had changed, it would revert back to the ordinary. The best part is that within minutes, food would be served and Life as we know it, would carry on. All this while, you feel as if time had stopped just for this out of this world occasion. Weird yea? Hahaha, thats why I always say I'm going to another dimension. Since most of the conversations I heard or were involved in were not meant for peoples ears, I guess the part about my vacation ends here gay

On another note, I second my brothers opinion that the world is slowly turning into shit. HAHAHAHAHAA, sorry about that. I mean, really, if you look around, you do see things that you know deep in your heart, isn't right, yet its happening right before your eyes and the best thing is, no ones doing anything about it! I do not feel of this generation. Well, THATS LIFE. Mmm, Im starting to talk to myself, this is bad.

I think I'm going to start my drawing spree very soon, got stuffs to complete, so should you want anything to be drawn, okayokay-ishly, just ask and i'll try, I repeat, TRY.

Theres a doubt in my mind, that I won't do well for my Os, and its really hard to quelch it. Its been tugging my head for quite some time, and though I hope its not true, it just gets scarier when I think about it. Ahh, but what to do, whats done is done, so lets just wait and see, one of the best things I can do. Insyallah we all do well, yea? Except for the minority who didn't sit for it ah, walao.. GoodBye!

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