Thursday, February 02, 2006


WAHH today sure was busy.

heh- just came back from PIZZAhut. cheap skate (?) shit. want to get pizza box for home ec also must buy something. HAH. soo eventually bought something, soo expensive. shit seyy. some more i just ate at MCDONALDS! dammit. today spend a lot of money. nyehh

haha right after school, there was HMT, and i gotta wait for my chinese friend..haiya, their teacher so EVIL. supposed to eng at 3.45, DELAY till 4.15+. nvm i good friend, wait until that time. hah. talking bout evil teachers, my ALIVE(cme) teacher is also evil. just because i moved my mouth and "slammed" the table A BIT only and i got kicked out of class. such a waste of precious time..

anyway u TEACH CRAP! so negative about me. HAH SHIT U MAN! then teach about being positive, the irony.. soo thats my day. haha ok gotta make some pizza. x))

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