Sunday, January 05, 2014



That is all I am seeking right now.

Peace with the world, Peace with the people around me, Peace with the choices I have made,
Peace with how the choices have resulted, Peace with where I am in life, and Peace with Him.

I realize that unhappiness, or simply negative emotions, are tied to our disagreement with current circumstances. When someone disagrees with you, or scolds you for your actions, you get angry, when things do not go your way or something unexpectedly bad happens, you get sad, and when someone fails you, or you fail yourself, you get disappointed. Notice the trend?


I have been trying to accept my predicaments as they come. Sure, things may not come in my favour, but who am I to change what is already given? All we can do is change our attitude towards it. Easier said than done, honestly.

My results aren't that spectacular, people including myself are disappointed. Stare at it hard, examine and dissect, accept and move on. That is all I can do.

Things are not happening as I wanted them to, that is Life, what is done is done, swallow hard and move on.

What I mean when I say to make Peace with the various external forces in play in one's life, is to accept, not to repel their very existence. Its okay to feel sad, angry or disappointed, but the most important thing is to realize that everything, everything has a reason, and that is reason lies in you. Accept.

All I ask is for the strength to accept, and make Peace with the world.

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