Monday, July 22, 2013

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The Seven Oft-Repeated Verses.

I only had the urge to truly understand it recently. It being repeated so many times in a day, it seemed mind-boggling for me to not understand the meaning behind, and why did it take so long? I do not know. I only knew that I must know and embrace its meaning, soon, quickly and fully.

The first tier of understanding is always to take what is read or heard literally. This gives us the basic understand of what the message is, what the context is and the beings involved.

The second tier of understanding is tafsiran, or interpretation. This gives us a deeper understanding in the sense that we are now examining why such words are spoken in certain ways, we try to figure out the subliminal tones involved and the implied effects of the chosen words. It enables us to have to have a better clue behind the reasons why such verses were sent down, their purpose.

The next tier of understanding I believe, is one that cannot be learnt or taught by another person. It is understanding that comes as a gift from Him and this tier of understanding, encompasses the very essence of the verses sent down, no, not the verses, but the very hurufs or alphabets that make up the verses. It gives a dimension to the very utterance of the huruf and its meaning is not verbally understood but is felt by the essence of the body. It is a gift, and as many of His gifts, they are hard to understand.

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Understand, for without understanding; 
the words you speak, 
the actions you do, 
they are incomplete.

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