Monday, February 04, 2013



  1. Free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.
  2. (of a person) Saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical.

Sincerity is the value that is most difficult to acquire. 

It eludes the hearts of Men like a bird flitting through the branches, and even if it is present, without proper care, it is quick to evaporate, much like a drop of dew in early morning. Hard to get, harder to keep.

Alas, for all that it is worth, it is the Key. It is the 1% that is needed for it to be 100%.

And best of all, it is one of the deepest secret that we have within ourselves. One we cannot describe or prove to others, it merely is and no other should be the judge of that.

My young ears have been fortunate to have heard the words spoken by sages and I recall one saying that the purest form of Sincerity is to expect Nothing At All In Return. Now that I look back, I realize that if that is the purest level, surely there will be lower forms of it to exist within our hearts and in our actions. I worry greatly, and take great care when it comes to Sincerity. Out of the many values that Islam teaches, I value Sincerity most highly. What is a deed done if it is not sincere? The very thought of a deed's accountability affects the sincerity of the deed itself. 

Sincerity is tightly linked to Ni'at. 

As such, both form a portion of the core of our actions. Such a fundamental aspect, one that I am very conscious of. I strive for it, silence is a great companion and facilitator. My words may corrupt my Sincerity and so, silence is best. It is only for Him to know.

One thing leads to another, Sincerity leads to examination of Ni'at which leads to examination of Self which leads  to so many other things that my mind in this state is unable to completely view. Just too many.

Alas, Masy'Allah I am sobered by how beautiful Islam is.

It is a 
Full Circle

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