Thursday, January 10, 2013

Often, I catch myself asking many questions, regarding the many things around me. Behaviour, actions, mechanisms, structures, systems and nature itself. Most of the questions usually revolve around a simple question, 'why?'. 

I was once interviewed by a professor a few years back, and he asked me, 'what is the value you value most?'. After some thought, I answered 'Understanding.' My reasoning was because once we have an understanding regarding something, it would allow us to have a clearer picture to the reasons for such things. My logic was simple, if we understand the reason behind something, we can rationalize OUR actions or thinking towards it, be it to consider it right or wrong, and such implications can extend towards our tolerance of such thing, our preference of such thing, and even our desire for such things. 

Take for example, religion. People follow the practices they see, a matter of mimicking an observation in their environment, from friends and family. It would be grossly shameful for me to even think whether or not this is not ideal, for alas who am I to judge. But back to the matter, if we understand the practices and lessons and values of a religion, and it is undeniably correct, would any sane person reject it? There is a verse that I cannot recall entirely, but of which the gist states that blessings are to be given to the learned. Why? Upon the journey of knowledge, we will eventually be shone the truth of things, and when one partakes in such a journey, it is not only to discover knowledge, but just as importantly, it is also to discover oneself. Upon seeing the truth of things, will one not be enlightened? And thus, blessed are they of the learned for they will definitely have discovered God. It is becoming ever more difficult to find avenues where such questions regarding religion can be quenched. Difficult, yes, but infinitely rewarding I trust. Alas, I am far from understanding of my religion, I am but a mere sapling, seeking the Light to nourish my existence. It gives me the shivers (Literally, it just did) when I think of how my time is spent, not on this journey of discovery but on other things, and I fear for my very existence. MasyAllah

I am displeased with myself, but I want and will make amendments.

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