Sunday, January 27, 2013

deep in th stillness of night,
as people lay asleep in their beds,
an hour void of th din of life,
small thoughts swirl all around.

there is something to learn,
a lesson is always there, somewhere.
no thing is ever point-less,
it merely takes some time and effort,
before it can be found.

questions lead to further questioning,
why, what, how, who, when, all the same,
they propel th mind to seek answers,
answers that can only be sought after.

intellectual pursuit and enlightenment,
one precedes th other, dawn to dusk,
for betterment of mind and soul,
th much needed nourishment of th day.

think, for it leads to questions,
question, for it leads to answer,
answers, understand and accept them,
then, and only then, will you ever learn.

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