Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Mercury Rising! The past few days has been HOTHOTHOT.
Though, it is not related to my prolonged disappearance.

Life, no, School, has been increasingly busy, filled with incomplete tutorials, confusing lectures, datelines and more tutorials. Apart from that, trainings getting more intensive in lieu with th upcoming competitions (THIS THURSDAY!) and hence, whenever I am not dead-tired from training, I would be busy with school, and the cycle repeats itself. So there you go, my reasoning for my absence.

Its already March, time is sure flying by. Before we know it, BOOM, its already the highlight of th year.
For that, I have diligently been consistently catching up and revising my stuff. Its good you know, that despite the time spent studying, when it comes to crunch time, you feel somewhat prepared and less stress. So heres to doing stuff beforehand and ignoring being called a Mugger! There is a debate that exists regarding this often misused term ; Mugger. You see, in my opinion, the term mugger arose from the situation where one studies into the wee hours of th night with a MUG of coffee or whatever beverage of preference to sustain you through the night, hence th term mugging. The act of studying till late with something keeping you awake. However, based on others, one is a mugger merely when one is studying, which to me is ridiculous? Oh damn, why am I wrapping my mind around such trivial and insignificant issues...

Anyway, on a more significant topic, GRAVICAL IS THIS THURSDAY! First Competition of the year for the  National Bouldering League (NBL). The competition that begins all competitions. I can't deny that Ive been looking forward to this. Its like, running a race you know? A measure of how good you are, albeit sometimes inaccurately, but a measure nonetheless, in comparison to others. I am a man of competition, though not aggressively, but its just something that spurs me on. I'm sure TJCCC will do well man, WHOO!

Ahh, my energy has come to an all time low after today, 400m + 5000m = Damn.
So goodnight world.

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