Sunday, March 21, 2010

I want to learn how to cook.
To me, cooking is a lot like making art.
There is no proper definition of perfection, it is as how you imagine it to be, or in this case, how it tastes like.
Also, I find cooking strangely appealing cause its one of those things that has to satisfy an individual at the sensory level and also on a deeper level. Just as it is for art, in cooking, the dish has to be appealing to the eyes, the colour of the ingredients, the way they're arranged, the aroma, the texture of the food. Of course the deeper level would be the actual taste of the food. To add to that, no one dish can appeal to all, like how a piece of art cannot appeal to all. It makes people, especially Me, happy. I like to make people happy, and I want to learn how to cook.


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