Friday, May 09, 2008

a Third of the race run
the mid year examinations are coming to an end very soon, with just 3 papers to go.
Through the turmoil and stress we endured during this vital period of the year, we may learn from our mistakes or remain ignorant of the challenges that stand anew, awaiting us. Weaknesses and strengths of each and every individual are revealed as time pass by us in a blink. The time has arrived for us to make a decision, to be or not to be, to go through all the hardships that WILL come and with an end in mind, or to procrastinate and let life lead us. Though it may seem as a big burden, an overwhelming responsibilty, bit by bit it can be achieved. good things come to those who work for it.


It is a scientific fact that Ahmed Khalil Khan's brain is not very efficient in absorbing scientific, mathematical or linguistic facts when his primary organ for digestion, the stomach is lacking in edible biological substances called food. Thank God that his brain has a very high efficiency rate to begin with :D



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