Sunday, April 09, 2006

someone left me with laughing disease tonite.

weird wins by 1

ok so today in th morning got class.
almost overslept. soo tempting
learnt some stuff ah.

got home only sleep till 3.30
ahhhh so nice.
cold rain. cold wind. warm pillows
ok so slept woke up and realized only my sis and my grandma was home

watched south park with my sis the whole afternoon.
THAT show is soo crappy and funny. go watch! x))

and and today, i felt so SELF-DICIPLINED.
did all my work before i watched south park
prayed without anyone telling me to.
ate at appropriate times. but a lot

waah im so proud of myself. =)
school is becoming a breeze. =)

hahaha. i feel guilty when i see people all stressing about projects and homework.
im preparing to go to my cousin's house to play game. with all my work done. wth

holy mackerel!
ok. so better study more.

yesterday i got some new information that i expected to come sooner or later.
ok ah. but its kinda weird knowing it.

read the news, what is the world turning to? death, terrorism, suicides, rapes, thefts, corruption,
WHAT IS THE WORLD TURNING TO?! the answer, sigh, its almost time.

thinking which to others is a burden is now both a gift and a curse for me.

=) thanks for read

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