Saturday, January 02, 2010

Haha, I'm sure this should have been written two days back, but ohwell, the year is a long time and I need more than one night to contemplate on the implications of this span of time on my life

They say things always happen for a reason, yet some are ignorant of this and believe that Life is unfair. Sometimes, in the wave of emotion, we often overlook Reason, and for that, we are lost and don't do right things. Throughout the year, we may have faced daunting challenges, lost something close to heart, stood at the edge of sanity, patience and spirit, swore at the unfortunate things that happened to us and felt an array of negative emotions. Yet, we mustn't forget that in the same year, we may have been blessed with truly wonderful friends that bring light and laughter to our seemingly mundane lives, a purpose in which we strive to achieve, moments that just leave us at a loss for words in happiness and awe, been offered a helping hand and found peace with ourselves. Life is indeed fair, to those who open their eyes.

All that I wish for this year of 2010 is that I may see Reason, and do the Right things. Yeah.

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