Sunday, August 16, 2009

if only i could blog through audio, itll be so fun!
says hello in a weird voice. HELLO. haha

I just had my quarter-yearly haircut just now, and now my hair is less curly! My sister says its like carpet grass, interestingg. My barber was an Indian man. Its not very common to see an Indian man able to speak Chinese working at a Malay barber. Racial integration, quite cool man.

I think it must have been difficult for him to cut my hair cause as he was cutting it, he tugged at it quite fiercely, pain man. There was one time where he raised my hair all th way to make it easier for him to cut and man, I look like super saiyan with curly hair! If youre wondering what that looks like, its something like this.

Then we shared a laugh, cause its really funny! Damn, my hair is long. Imagine, normally curly hair seems short cause th hair just curls and curls. Before this, mine was like BALL. A huge ball of hair, it was damn long. Pity the barber. It took him a while to cut my hair short, and now, it looks like this!

Im sorry to crush your enthusiasm, but its on the computer. Haha! I think my hair is an apt representation of myself, lol. Its curly and messy and all, which is like me, never staying still, always moving about, energetic. Its curliness hides its depth, just as how I'm so hyper and high that sometimes people think theres no deeper side of me, haha. Lastly how no matter what, it remains the same, neverchanging, like me and my beliefs. Never will I let them go. I can't even imagine myself with straight hair, its just too weird. Go ahead and try, lol.

The retarded things I did in front of the mirror while changing just now:

1) Try to belly dance, LOL. ALMOST THERE, but not quite. Don't ask me why, haha

2) Do the robot dance

3) Pretend I'm doing silat, a traditional form of fighting, where i laughed at myself after doing it.

4) Weird and funny facial expressions

5) Yoga, HAHA

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