Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hi, I am currently feeling very very very stuffy. I'm sure all of you are too. Its been really hot during the day and like uber stuffy at night. Oh Singapore, why are you in the bloody centre of the Earth.

Well, on a lighter note though just as warm, yesterday TPJC had a malay event called Manifestasi;

Malay event + TPJC = Meeting a lot of people whom I miss

That kind of summarizes the whole night of yesterday. Truth be told, the performance was really amazing, however, cause it lasted for two solid hours without a break, it came off as kind of draggy and such. If it was in like parts, it'll be much better. Though I do applaud them for their valiant effort and I'm sure it paid off for all of them, all the time spent practising and stuff. Did I spell practising correctly? I'm not sure myself. This reminds me of the fun and good times I had while practising for Semarak, haha seems so far away. I'm so glad I went man, really. Met some old friends, good feeling, met Sheila & Co, good feeling, watched a performance, good feeling, eating something that I craved for sooo long, good feeling, sending people Sheila home, good feeling, and talking crap with Diyanah, good feeling. Get what I mean? Too bad I don't have any pictures yet, so I shall enlighten you readers with a picture of me when I was in Secondary Three. I repeat, SECONDARY THREE. NOT primary school, Oh how shocked I was, hahaha.


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