This picture was taken a long time ago, I dont even remember when!
My hairs becoming a mess, it always does when its becoming long lol.
Just randomly writing what pops out of my head right now, no point.
Ever since I didn't get to participate in Pumpfest, made a pact with myself to train harder. Who better to make a deal with other than yourself yea? Like seriously, I don't want to be bulky, but I sure want to be really strong. What to do, its a pre-requisite of becoming a good climber. With more training, there'll be more climbs, more climbs lead to better technique! So it all comes as a set, whoots. But obviously considering how we're all in JC and all, and how JCTs in like 1 1/2 more months, I have to strike a balance yea? Its been a rather frustrating month for me cause truthfully I know that I know how to do all th topics that were tested but still don't score for my tests. Yeayea I hear you people saying "How can you say you understand and yet not score?!" Well, that, I'm not sure myself. But I'm damn sure I know what I'm doing. Frustrating because this has always happened since I was Secondary One. Its like th feeling when you know a certain word and its at the edge of your tongue, but you just can't say it. Or like having a sneeze, about to blow only to get stuck up your nose. So close, yet so far. Hahaha. Oh well, I just have to find that magic moment where everything will click together. And you know whats the best thing? Teachers are worried. What kind of student enters TJC and fails. Damn, that ain't right. Too bad ah, thats life. All I can do is continue to understand and find that magic spark thats been missing.
However, a word of encouragement from my friend spurred me on when I'm on the brink of destroying things in my path. He said that he knew I could get my A's just that I'm not getting it. At last, someone that understands, how comforting. I hope I'll whoop ass for Promos. Wait, JCTs.
I realize that keeping my feelings in an air-tight cylinder in my heart is not very good for me, cause I know ONE DAY, it will burst. And when that day comes, I can't imagine. Theres just too much within myself. Nahh, I'm sure I''ll find more capacity to hold them in, can't risk letting them go. For now, I'm trying to change the way I am. You know? How I'm talkative and all, and it's for a greater good, not for any person or whatsoever, personal. I realize it's not very good for myself. Thank you for entertaining my ramblings for tonight.