Saturday, August 26, 2006

a few days ago there was this dance competition at yio chu kang stadium
we all had our own individual shirts with our name. and here is mine =)

whooa! yesterday my bro, my sis and i had to empty out this mushroom bank that my father kept since god knows when. man it was soo heavy for a bank sia... imagine the amount of coins.. took my bro about 20 minutes just to empty out the thing. man there was a lot. A LOT of coins...

after a long time sorting all the coins out, aranging em, counting all of them. here it was. my dad's 'piggy' bank? whoosh! it was at least $500 man! someday i would like to just count all the coins in my bank, and whoa! it totals out to be half a thousand dollars. cool... lol we didnt get a cent x) nvm all of it goes into something good...

i think ive grown stronger from all the rockclimbing i did. xD
damn fun sia! went out with my bro and my 2 cuz. and my bro's frens
wish our school had a wall. man oh man.

bahh today is so damn boring and i got homework. pssh

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