Monday, August 19, 2013


University has finally began and the doors to knowledge are wider than before.

Studying what is important and studying what is right may not necessarily be the same thing,
so how then can I assure that I find a balance of both?

We pursue knowledge doggedly, thinking that it is an inanimate object that gets nearer the more we try.

Yet, we see that knowledge does not always come to those to seek it, and sometimes, those who do not seek it as tirelessly, seem to receive it so much faster, with lesser effort.

Knowledge, I feel, is like a dance.

It is elusive, and must be teased to participate.
It can be coaxed only with proper intentions and the correct procedures.
It can, be forced, yet not so beautifully.
It can, come with much hesitation even despite.

What I have learnt about knowledge, is that it does not necessarily come to those who seek it, but those who do not seek it all will never find it. Knowledge is a gift that is presented to the ready, the willing, and the good. As such, we must request for it.

Rabbi dzidni Ilma warzuqni Fahma

Oh Allah! Please increase me in Knowledge and grant me Understanding

For I am nothing without what You give me.

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