Sunday, June 02, 2013

I am perturbed.

There seem to be a distinct line between Science and Religion, a line that seems to distinguish between the Logical and the Mystical, as commonly understood and agreed upon by the majority.

However, that is not what disturbs me.

What disturbs me is when people wrongfully conclude that one is True, and the other is Untrue. This is a huge transgression on their end. They conclude so, without exploring both, and arrive to a premature conclusion. Its as if their minds are completely blocked from even considering the Truth behind the other. Are they that ignorant? I can only hope so, for with ignorance, there is still hope for them. For those who are openly in denial when the truth has been shown to them, I do not know what to say.

We live in an era where Science reigns supreme in the proving and disproving of theories, be it regarding the machinations of the world or the organic system of an organism. Science holds its head high in supremacy, with its numbers, figures, diagrams and graphs. I no way am I saying that such empirical evidence do not point towards the certainty of a hypothesis, I certainly hope so. The problem arises when Science assumes that such empirical evidence are enough to PROVE a hypothesis. As beings of limited knowledge, sometimes, our conclusions are only half-baked and the evidence are merely checkpoints to a complete understanding. What I am trying to say is that Science today repeats the flaw of stopping its thought process prematurely. It treads on the right path, but it does not reach the proper analysis and conclusion. This results in incorrect research and incorrect understanding and incorrect implementation and eventually, disastrous consequences.

True, what I have to say requires a certain level of pre-requisite faith but hey, this is my opinion.

What Religion has, which Science cannot or has so far been unable to, or is simply ill-equipped (equipment-wise or knowledge-wise) is the proper way, be it in the field of medicine, physiology, astronomy or geography. Somehow, the explanation eludes researchers, or maybe its simply because research has not been invested into exploring the ways of Religion. Its as if the mystical concepts are seen as obsolete or backward, and scientists simply refuse to examine it. This disturbs me. Incomplete, yet the answer is right there.

Sometimes, I feel that Science is merely Humanity's feeble attempts to understand God's ways and it has been birthed so that WE, Man, may have a glimmer of understanding of His wonders.

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