She was once a woman of strength, upright and able.
Now, she is old and frail, weak from disease and a decrepit shell.
Though at heart, she is still the woman she was, she can no longer be.
Her limbs, they fail her as they succumb to the many ailments that afflict her.
She is alone, with no succesor to carry forth the purpose of her existence.
She can no longer fulfill their demands but still remain, by the edge of a thread.
Her end is coming to an end, and she has awaited for it, for so long.
She has lived too long, but still too short a time for what she has to be.
Too much has changed in such a short time and she feels lost.
Lost as the world she once knew, has been distorted beyond recognition and repair.
She heaves a sigh, saddened over what has befallen the people.
Alas, her time time will come, and so will theirs.
The stars shall cease to shine.
The sun shall rise from the west.
and evil shall be rampant.