Friday, June 30, 2006


mann.. how could this be sia

its been a long time huh.
already start school. change teachers.
i dont really like some teachers.
they're like over-reacting, conclusion-jumping teachers.
then some teachers are like, inexperienced and despite that, they DEMAND respect. nyeh. then when we're like "cher cher number (blah) how to do?" she somehow thinks we are good enough even for the "easy" sums. for you lahh. for some not right. then got the kind of teachers who just wants to go through the lesson quick and eventually lead to us not understanding some of the things she said. ish. some teachers ahh..

tomorrows chocolate day!
limited edition cappucino flavoured kitkats are being sold. MMmm
i had my share yesterday. NCC was the only cca to have a taste at it.
man it was nice! got the cappucino taste but still chocolatey. yummy.
so if i meet anyone out there, better buy one or you miss the chance of eating limited editions. AND THE BOX IS ALSO NICE! curvy curvy aromas of the cappucino cup around the kitkat with the words " Limited Edition XI." how cool is that!

woo! ncc now only 1 day. except for some occasions! ONE DAY!

universal mind,.

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