It seems like an eternity since I last wrote down my thoughts here, ho dayum.
There is no point in trying to fill up the gaps in time for it has been too long and this would be a terribly wordy and lengthy post! Instead, I shall, as I always have, write whatever that pops into my head.
It seems that as the days go by, be it those with many things to do or those where I just laze around, I am slowly and definitely changing. To what, I am not exactly sure, but how, I think I have a better clue. As to whether it is good or bad, that.. is entirely subjective. In my opinion, it seems like the change that I've always known will come. As the way things are in the world, there are pros and cons. The cons have surfaced and they are evidently cons, the emotions they stir in others, the actions that entails, the talk, the silence, and most importantly, the lack of such within me. With that, I have stated what I deem to be a pro that comes with this not-very-slight paradigm shift that I have adopted. Essentially, that is the change.
To say that I have lots to say, is a lie. But I do have plenty of thoughts. Very plenty.