The Journey to become a Titan.
In the beginning, we were like little children. Not knowing what to expect, not knowing what to do.
We entered, only knowing that what we have to achieve. Among us, we meet new friends, or forge stronger bonds with those we already know. Like infants discovering a new world, we learnt by observing. With guidance from those who are experienced, we slowly transformed into something formidable. Gruelling hours spent underneath the sun, sweat-drenched and muscles sore, we trained together, to function as one. Frustrations mounting, it was important that we constantly remind ourselves of what is required from every one of us. Sacrificing hours, foregoing things we wished to do, so that we may be together to work on our weaknesses and strengths. All these time, growing stronger together, as a team. Feeling ourselves get stronger, mentally and physically, it provided motivation to continue to trudge on this difficult path. The words of those who doubted us, fed the fire that pushes us onwards. We believed we can, and thus we will. Alas, the day came and we felt the tingle down our spines, a mixture of anxiety, fear, excitement and release. All that we have done, it amounted to that day. The day when everything mattered, every count, every heave and every strain. Pushing our limits. When it finally came to an end, though words were flying about of victory, we refuse to accept it until finally, one by one, the awards came pouring in. Unifying us ever more.
We entered as many, but we emerged as one.
Honourable mention : The whole of Beta Titans Team, and the Beta HC.